PSEA is seeking members willing to lend their leadership skills to advance our mission to promote the well-being of our PSEA community through a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect. If you are interested in joining any of the committees below, contact us!
PSEA Committees
- Bylaw Advisory Committee – Every so often it is necessary to review our bylaws and make sure that our guiding document is keeping up with our growing Association. This committee meets regularly to review important Articles and make recommendations to the Board of Directors where needed.
- Hospitality Committee – This committee is typically responsible for planning refreshments for Board and Membership meetings.
- Legislative Committee – This committee keeps abreast of state and local legislative activity that affects our membership. They will also be the committee who interviews and makes recommendations about candidates for our school board elections, as well as researches local ballot initiatives to ensure members are informed voters.
- Membership Committee – Once a year, the membership drive is the focus of this important committee.
- Scholarship Committee – This committee is responsible for preparing for the semi-annual scholarship offerings to members and their dependents, including submission review and award decisions.
- Social and Recreation Committee – Like to look for discounts? This committee is geared toward finding membership benefits. Another big focus of this group is the Family Picnic in the fall.
- Financial Advisory Committee – If money is your thing, this advisory committee keeps the Board of Director up to date on wise financial policies and makes sure we are staying on course with conservative investments
Joint Committees
- Special Education Advisory Committee – This committee includes members from PSEA, PFT, as well as the District in hopes of coming together to provide a better understanding how we can help our special education students as well as support from employees who work with special education students.