Negotiation Progress

PSEA’s Unit I negotiations are progressing slowly. January is normally the month we present a Sunshine proposal for successor negotiations, but we’re still working on the current contract. We seem to be stuck on Articles 5 and 9.

On Article 5, Work Day-Week-Year, PSEA would like to see employees who are consistently picking up extra hours on a timesheet given a contract reflecting those hours. We’d like to stop the practice of using the 18th day “loophole” to keep employees from triggering into a higher hourly contract, while preserving the opportunity for employees to work extra hours. On Article 9, Leaves, we are apart on the use of accrued sick leave when taking short term leave for family needs. There has not been any offer from the District on wages.

We’ve asked for financial information so we can formulate our proposal for wages, but have not yet received it.

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