PSEA Endorses Beatty and Patel
Poway, CA, October 3, 2016: Poway School Employees Association (PSEA), the bargaining unit representing over 2,200 classified (non-teaching) support staff for the Poway Unified School District (PUSD) announces its support of incumbent Kimberley Beatty and challenger Dr. Darshana Patel for the two open seats on the PUSD School Board to be filled this November election cycle.
PSEA assembled an interview committee to vet candidates. Seven committee members conducted lengthy interviews with four candidates who responded to PSEA’s questionnaires, including incumbent Kimberley Beatty, and challengers Terry Norwood, Stan Rodkin and Dr. Darshana Patel. Five other candidates did not respond to PSEA’s invitation: Debra Cooper, Carol Ware, Nick Anastasopoulis, John Moriarty, Jimmy Karam. Candidates were interviewed regarding their experience in public service, philosophies on students’ educational learning experiences, stances on current legislative issues such as extended the Proposition 30 tax and the effects of minimum wage increases, managing the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and its impact on District budget priorities, and working together with other School Board members and stakeholders in determining what’s best for kids.
After an extensive review, PSEA determined that Kimberley Beatty and Dr. Darshana Patel are the best choice for our kids’ future. Ms. Beatty has a proven track record of advocating for students through responsible fiscal management. She has been an effective leader at both the local and state level, and has fought to obtain adequate funding for the district. As a trustee, Ms. Beatty has tenaciously asked tough questions that have uncovered mismanagement and areas requiring improvement, and brings solutions that will benefit students. Dr. Patel is an experienced community leader whose scientific approach to problem solving is greatly needed. She is concerned about the negative press the District has received of late, which we believe will result in promoting cohesiveness to our School Board, rather than furthering divisiveness.
Both Ms. Beatty and Dr. Patel showed a commitment to transparency and independence that our members and the community need from School Board Members. They both have children in the District and have a vested interest in student learning. Both candidates recognize that support staff provide essential services to students and are an integral part of Team PUSD. Classified staff support students on buses, in the health office, in the special needs classroom, in the libraries and resource centers, in the computer lab and in before and after school care centers. Kimberley and Darshana have shown they will be able to serve as responsible trustees of our students’ future.