PSEA & PUSD reach tentative agreement for Units I & II

PSEA And District Reach Tentative Agreement For Units I and II –SEE ATTACHED JOINT COMMUNICATION


Over the last week and a half, classified employees have made apparent their desire to be treated fairly and equitably in negotiations. The District has heard your voices loud and clear and responded with a commitment to reach agreements that are in the best interest of all.


As a result, PSEA and the District returned to the negotiating table yesterday (for Unit II) and today (for Unit I), and the District proposed to PSEA a compensation package that matches what it has agreed to for certificated employees. This breakthrough allowed the parties to resolve disputes on other pending articles and PSEA and the District were able to reach overall tentative agreements for Units I and II. PSEA will be presenting those tentative agreements, which are for a term of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2019, to our membership shortly for ratification vote. Detailed information about what improvements are in each tentative agreement, as well as the details of the ratification vote, will be announced shortly. Some highlights include:


  • A 2.5% salary increase, effective July 1, 2018;
  • A one-time payment of 3% of salary (including 1% to be funded from OPEB) to all classified employees for the 2017-2018 school year;
  • Significant improvements to the Leaves article;
  • New contract provisions to cover substitute and limited term employees in Unit I; and
  • No give-back or take-aways in either Agreement.


We will be providing additional information at tonight’s PSEA Board of Director’s meeting, to be held at 5:00pm at the PSEA Office: 12245 World Trade Drive, Suite H, San Diego CA 92128.


PSEA could not have achieved this victory without the active support of our membership. Over the last week and a half, we have been flooded with new membership applications and with requests for PSEA shirts.This victory belongs to you! To celebrate the unity and strength our membership, we encourage everyone to wear their PSEA shirts tomorrow. If you requested a shirt, we will have most shirts available for pick up at the meeting. Shirts not picked up today will be distributed tomorrow.


There truly is STRENGTH IN UNITY!

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